Aliran Utilities Aliran Utara Aliran Water Services

Aliran Utilities

Aliran Utilities Sdn Bhd (“AUT”) was formerly known as Southern Water Corporation Sdn Bhd. A wholly owned subsidiary of Aliran Ihsan Resources Berhad and an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of MMC Corporation Berhad.

The company focuses on water treatment, wastewater treatment and water reclamation for industrial. AUT has a solid know-how and experience in water related O&M activities ranging from construction and
rehabilitation of water treatment plants, including the newest and advanced design and treatment system such as membrane, ultrafiltration, Reverse Osmosis system, dissolved air floatation, membrane technology, etc.

This leads to uses of emerging technology of SCADA monitoring entrusting only competent personnel to handle the task.

AUT works with proven technologies in the industry to bring the best solutions in water and wastewater treatment.

Aliran Utara

Aliran Utara Sdn Bhd (“AUSB”) was incorporated on 18 August 2011. AUSB is a wholly owned subsidiary of Aliran Ihsan Resources Berhad and an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of MMC Corporation Berhad, AUSB had on 24 August 2011 accepted the Letter of Award from Lembaga Air Perak (“LAP”) allowing it to undertake the operation and maintenance of the water treatment works serving the Kerian and Larut districts.

The contracts were renewed for a period of 3 years, started from 1 November 2011 until now.

AUSB is LAP’s partner in respect of the services provided and is subject to the terms and conditions which may be imposed on LAP under the provisions of Water Services Industry Act 2006 (“WSIA 2006”) for the sub-contracting arrangement and the Agreement.

Aliran Water Services

Aliran Water Services (“AWS”) It was formerly known as Southern Water Engineering Sdn Bhd, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Aliran Ihsan Resources Berhad and an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of MMC Corporation Berhad.

AWS is focusing on the Non-Revenue Water Solutions. Non-Revenue Water or NRW is the amount of treated water that is put into a supply system but does not bring in revenue to the water supply company. The main components that contribute to NRW are pipe leakages, reservoir overflows, meter under-registration and illegal connections.

Practical, advanced techniques for better managing physical assets have been developed and refined over the past several decades. Therefore, AWS is also focusing on the asset management which will. benefit the company in a long run.